Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reasons for Selecting Joanna Eberhart as a Representative in the Film Essay

Reasons for Selecting Joanna Eberhart as a Representative in the Film Stepford Wives - Essay Example During the year 1975 when the movie Stepford Wives was first released, it was widely regarded just as one of the chilling parables about men’s fears of feminism at the same time it was considered as a tale of horror which worked as a one of the social satire on bigotry. For sure, it struck a few women’s liberationists as a ham-fisted tried to cash in on the movements. Therefore it is curious that the term ‘Stepford’ wives that have really enjoyed such a strong meaning in our culture, is rarely used during a critique of sexism. The term has usually signified the kind of feminine perfectionism that is greatly evidenced in the domestic realm, though not necessarily in the services offered by husbands.   This clearly evokes the existing critique freak rather than hopeless submission that women have over their husbands as seen in the new 2004 film. Therefore, Eberhart Joanna is chosen to clearly bring out the subject of the story to show how men transform thei r wives into some cookie-baking robots. On the other hand, another most sticking thing regarding the original Stepford Wives, both the movie and the novel is generally how children occupy a small place. The protagonist Eberhart Joanna and her husband move out of Manhattan to a suburban Connecticut partially due to the reason that schools were much better there, though there is nothing else much about that fact is made. A Stepford Wives that acts as a satire today would definitely be different from its predecessor. It would be just as less about the project of trying to perfect children like that of perfecting wives. At the same time, it would be the collaboration between the ambitious mothers and fathers who always believe so much in the meritocracy as well as doing whatever it takes in order to rig it in the attention of their own offspring’s Ivy League prospects. This would be about shameless kind of string-pulling so as to get kids into the right nursery schools.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

The Crucible by Arthur Miller Essay When a conflict arises, many people stand back and watch as their beliefs are trampled on, but sometimes one person will stand up and die for what they believe and inspire all those with similar beliefs. Of the many people who died in the Salem witch trials, one man stands out as a true martyr who died in the pursuit of justice and whose actions served as a model for all the people in Salem. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller portrayed the character of Giles Corey as a martyr through his strong convictions, honesty, concern for justice, and his willingness to die for these causes. Giles Corey, a man of strong beliefs, refused to give the authorities the lie they demanded, therefore, he died a martyr. Unlike many of the people of Salem, Giles Corey held fast to his strong convictions. When he believed something was wrong, he refused to sit and passively accept the injustice, but instead notified the authorities and demanded a fair trial. When his wife was being wrongly accused of witchcraft, Giles stood up for her, yelling in court Youre hearing lies, lies! (84). Giles is clearly concerned with the truth and frequently pleads with the court to reject the girls statements and understand that they [were] telling lies about [his] wife (85). Again, he pursues justice when he urges the court to hear Mary Warren confess that she and the other girls had lied. He introduces her by stating she comes now to tell the truth (88). Giles Corey demonstrates his strong beliefs through his preoccupation with truth and justice in the witch trials. Not only was Giles Corey adamant about justice and other peoples truthfulness in the court, but also he showed that he was an honest man and therefore refused to give an untruthful confession. When Proctor was accused of plowing on Sunday, Giles reminded the court that there were other Christians that do plow on Sunday if the truth be known (91). Giles again offered honest information to the judges, explaining that he had been thirty-three time in court (95). Even if that information made him look bad during his trial, he always felt compelled to tell the truth. Because he had told the truth before and his wife had suffered because of it, Giles refused to speak in court explaining I mentioned my wifes name once and Ill burn in hell long enough for that. I stand mute (97). Giles never  lied, but when he realized that the truth could hurt other people, he simply refused to give any information to the authorities. Following his strong convictions and refusing to lie, Giles Corey died a martyr, suffering a slow put painful death not for personal reasons but for justice in his community. The only words Giles Corey spoke when they placed the stones on his body and demanded a confession were More weight, symbolizing his refusal to lie and his intentions to die in the name of truth (135). Goody Proctor noted that he had remained mute and died Christian under the law making him an example in the community and keeping his name clear from guilt so that his children could keep his farm and continue their lives (135). After hearing the news of Giles strong character and martyrdom, John Proctor declared that he had to confess because he could not mount the gibbet like a saint the way Giles had done (136). Proctor revered Giles for his noble deed and was eventually inspired to give up his own life for the people he loved. Sometimes it is necessary to die so that beliefs and morals may live on. As a man of strong principles who refused to give in to the authoritys demands to sacrifice truth for a quick solution, Giles Corey died a martyr. He held strong to his belief in the importance of truth and chose to give no statements over one that could potentially condemn a friend, family member, or himself. He was a model for the people of Salem in that he accepted his punishment so that they could rid themselves of the plagues of a town wide witch hunt. When justice is in danger of dying, a human death often seems the only way to save such a cause.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

David Mamets Oleanna: Father-Daughter Relations Essay examples -- Dav

David Mamet's Oleanna: Father-Daughter Relations The most evident and natural of all hierarchal relationships is that of parent and child. This exists from the most primitive and savage of beasts to the most evolved and developed of primates. Thus, nearly all relationships can be made synonymous and equitable with this archetypal hierarchy. The parent-child relationship is perhaps the most delicate, intricate, and dysfunctional of all relationships in existence. Parents regularly disappoint and disillusion their children, and vice versa. Children rebel from the standards set by their parents only to readopt them when necessary. Such is the case in David Mamet's play Oleanna in which the two main characters, John and Carol, assume a rather dysfunctional father-daughter relationship. The actions taken by John throughout the course of the work demarcate the assumption that his exploits are to be viewed as incestuous with respect to the rapport he and his student share. Carol, with the support of her "group," charges her college profes sor with sexual harassment, rape, and battery. She thus threatens to annihilate every aspect of the life for which he has strived so terribly long. In Greco-Roman mythology, the son of Laius and Jocasta unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, thus fulfilling the statements of the divine oracle at Delphi. Similarly, the sister of Orestes aided Orestes, himself, in avenging the death of Agamemnon, their father, by killing their mother, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus. These two yet to be identified mythological figures, Oedipus and Electra, respectively, have lent their names to modern psychology. Oedipus and Electra complexes are characterised by perverse manifestations in w... ...e beats her maliciously. Afterwards, due to the stage directions, John does not appear to acknowledge the events of the past minutes; "He moves to his desk, and arranges the papers on it" (Mamet, 641). This is typical of domestic abuse in that the abuser does not concede to the veracity of the maltreatment. Just after the incident, Carol mocks and taunts her professor, as a small child would do. She states while looking at and away from him, "Yes. That's right . . . yes. That's right" (Mamet, 641). This taunt is quite reminiscent of one a juvenile would put forth. Works Cited Mamet, David. Oleanna. Schilb and Clifford. 612-641. Schilb, John, and John Clifford, eds. Making Literature Matter: An Anthology for Readers and Writers. Boston: Bedford/St. MartinÕs, 1999. University of Maryland at College Park Pamphlet on Sexual Harrassment. College Park. 1997.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Metis Struggle for Self Identification Essay -- Canadian History Stru

Metis' Struggle for Self Identification   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the most contentious issues in Canada’s history is that of the Metis. Some people feel this unique group of people does not deserve any sort of recognition, whereas others believe their unique history and culture is something to be recognized and cherished. The history of the Metis people is filled with struggle; not only struggles against other powers, but also a struggle for self-identification. Despite strong opposition, the Metis people of Canada have matured as a political force and have taken great strides towards being recognized as a unique people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The word Metis is a French word that means: â€Å"mixed race†. Today it is often used for anyone who has European – Indian heritage, but when the colonies of Canada were being formed Metis had a specific meaning. The roots for this hybrid race came from French – Indian ancestry. It did not matter how much of each you had in you, as long as there was some of each. At the time, the Metis seemed to be superior in comparison to the individual Indian or Frenchman, because they appeared to possess certain marks of superiority over both parent types or strains . This meant they had all of the good characteristics from each group and left the bad ones behind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The history of the Metis started with the European colonization of North America. With the arrival of the West European powers, fraternization and trade began between the European settlers and the many First Nations peoples throughout Canada. The French were the first foreign power to realize the potential benefits of allying with the First Nations peoples. Consequently, the French explorer, Samuel de Champlain, proposed a union of the French and First Nations . Champlain’s, and therefore France’s, goal was to create a mixed-blood race to populate the continent and form a new, thriving colony for France . The offspring of these unions did not live the life Champlain envisioned; instead they often lived exclusively with one group or another. It was not until the years when fur trading became a lucrative, thriving business that children of mixed descent began to realize their own unique place in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When these times arose, these children were the envy of most because they were not only bilingual and bicultural , but they also knew the lifestyles of both the white man and the Indian. The... ...n hundreds of years ago. The injustices of the past have left their mark, but just as in the past, the spirit of the people will enable them to prevail against difficult odds until they finally receive their due. Bibliography 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adams, Howard. Prison Of Grass, (Saskatoon: Fifth house Publishers, 1975) 2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Corrigan, Samuel. The Struggle For Recognition, (Winnipeg: Pemican Publications, 412 McGregor St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1991) 3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Daniels, Harry W. We Are The New Nation, (Ottawa: Native Council Of Canada, Ontario, K1P 5L6, 1979) 4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eccles, W.J. Essays On New France, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987) 5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lussier, Antoine S. The Other Natives, (Winnipeg: Manitoba Metis Federation Press, 300-275 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2B3, 1975) 6)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  MacEWAN, Grant. Metis Makers Of History, Saskatoon: Western Prarie Books, Saskatchewan, 1981) 7)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maguet, Elizabeth. Hold High Your Heads, (Winnipeg: Pemican Publications, 412 McGregor St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1992) 8)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sealey Bruce D. The Metis: Canada’s Forgotten People, (Winnipeg: Manitoba Metis Federation Press, 300-275 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2B3, 1975)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Food Trip Essay

Revolutionaries and activists, tried of associating the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) with these words? Well, it’s time to change your thoughts. PUP isn’t just for words like those mentioned above, please try to look at the brighter side. PUP isn’t just the way you think it is. All the speculations about our school aren’t true. Actually, if you’re inside our campus, you’ll surely have a wonderful time. The school offers delightful treats such as low tuition, high quality education and most especially, foods. I recommend you to go to PUP and I assure you a cheap and an enjoyable food trip for you and for your friends. TRUST ME! ï Å  PUP has it all, from snacks to lunch and to every kind of foods that you will surely like. I bet if you enter our campus, you won’t go out of it without being tempt to buy foods because of its cheap price. Be sure to prepare your spoon and fork as I introduce to you the best foods at the lowest price our campus can offer. 1.Value Meals (20php – 35php) One cup of rice with any ulam of your choice. These include dinuguan, chicken fillet, fried chicken, beef steak, adobo, burger steak, liempo, giniling, sausages, vegetables, etc. Imagine?!! With just 30php, you will experience tasting lutong bahay even if you’re away from home. 2.Buy 1 Take 1 Burgers (25php – 32php) Say goodbye to Jollibee, Mcdonald’s, KFC, and other burger – producing fast food chains. PUP has the cheapest burger ever. With just 32php, we can avail two burgers and that is if you are in PUP. While in fast food chains, you will just be left with dissatisfaction. 3.Clubhouse (20php) All the PUPians know this – clubhouse is a triangle – shaped sandwich with egg wrappings and ham fillings. Well, the best thing about this food is that it is served with free drinks. Yes!!! You heard it right! It’s with FREE! FREE! FREE! AS IN FREE DRINKS which comes in various flavors. As far as I know, it is one of the highest grossing and most sought food in the University. It is so SULIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! 4.FEWA (33php or 37php) FEWA is also known as Footlong and Egg Wrapped Around. It is a sandwich with footlong (can be either regular in size or jumbo) wrapped in fried scrambled egg with cheese and cabbage. Another reason why you would enjoy this food is because of its vendor who has great sense of humor. Wondering who? Well, better check him or, should I say, her? At the East Wing of PUP canteen. 5.Fruit Shakes and Juices (10php-20php)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Following the period of time in Athens during the 5th Century B.C when it was ruled by a radical, extreme democracy, the Athenian people voted to choose thirty men to rule as an oligarchy. The Athenians wanted to be governed by the ancient laws enacted by Solon and Cleisthenes, so these men were chosen by the people to frame the ancient laws into a constitution under which to conduct the government. However, the Thirty had their own agendas, ones that earned them the nickname The Thirty Tyrants of Athens. What did these so called Thirty Tyrants hope to achieve in Athens? Well, mainly they wanted total control over the Athenian people and its government, and to use this to their own advantages. After they were chosen, the Thirty delayed framing and publishing this constitution, the very thing that they were put in place to do. This was done for their own benefit, as since there was no constitution as yet, they could still make the rules up as they went along. However, they still appointed a Senate and Magistrates as they saw fit. This enabled them to appoint people they know would be loyal to them, and support anything they tried to do. The first step the Thirty took when voted to power in 404 B.C was to arrest all the people who by common knowledge had made a living during the time of the democracy by acting as informers and opposing the aristocrats. They were held with a sentence of death if found guilty. This pleased the Senate, as they were the aristocratic class that these people had opposed. They were happy to hand out guilty verdicts. The common people were not displeased because they knew that they were not part of this class. This enabled the Thirty to dispose of all the obvious troublemakers who would oppose them. The Thirty realized that to enable them to be free to make decisions on their behalf, they would also need a military force. Therefore, they sent two of their members, by the names...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Canine Parvovirus

Canine Parvovirus Free Online Research Papers It is extremely important to make sure all puppies get proper immunizations for the Canine Parvovirus or Erythema infectionism. There is no specific treatment or cure for this virus. There is only supportive care. The virus can have deadly side effects and be extremely hard to destroy (Staff, 2008). â€Å"The Parvovirus is able to withstand a wide range of PH levels† (the Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition, 2005, p316). The Canine Parvovirus is very hard to destroy and can have very devastating effects. â€Å"The origin of the Parvovirus is unknown† (The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition, 2005, p317). In the beginning there were two types of the Canine Parvovirus Myocarditis and Gastroenteritis. Myocarditis occurred in puppies still in the neonatal period. This type is almost never seen anymore because of immunizations. Gastroenteritis is the common type of Canine Parvovirus and usually effects dogs six to twenty weeks old. The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition says, â€Å"Males are more likely to develop Gastroenteritis than females because of their tendency to roam† (p.317). In the 1980’s type CPV (Canine Parvovirus)-2a became popular, and then in 1986 CPV-2b replaced CPV-2a. Recently they have discovered new strands of the Parvovirus that are more difficult to test for. â€Å"Today CPV-2b has largely replaced the previous strands† (Doctors Foster and Smith, 1997-2009,  ¶ 2). The most recent strand discovered is CPV-2c, and they think there are more yet to be named. These new strands are more difficult to test for and are more resistant to vaccinations (Doctors Foster and Smith, 1997-2009). â€Å"The only effective disinfectants are bleach and products labeled specifically for killing the Parvovirus† (staff, 2008,  ¶11). It survives indoors for only about a month, but outdoors it can stay active for months depending on the conditions. According to the Mayo Clinic Staff, â€Å"the Parvovirus should be considered contagious in shady areas for seven months and areas with sunlight for five months, but if it is freezing the Parvovir us will not die† (Staff, 2008,  ¶ 3). Recovered dogs can spread the virus by being carriers. The virus can also be spread by feces of infected dogs. This â€Å"shedding occurs four days after infection and peaks when clinical signs appear† (The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition, 2005, p317). The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition says, â€Å"Rottweiler’s, American Pit Bull Terriers, Doberman Pinchers, and German Shepherds are at increased risk, while Toy Poodles and Cocker Spaniels seem to be at decreased risk† (The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition, 2009, p316). Parvovirus can survive everywhere so it is considered â€Å"ubiquitous† (Staff, 2008,  ¶ 4). A dog usually gets the virus inside of the body through the mouth. The virus lives on all surfaces so when a dog licks themselves, or any object, they are exposed. Dogs also get the virus when they eat feces (Staff, 2008). When the Parvovirus enters the body it goes to the Lymph System and stays there multiplying for about three to four days. Then the virus begins to spread to the organs where it can multiply faster. From there it travels to the bone marrow. When the Parvovirus is in the bone marrow it attacks the immune system. This makes the body almost defenseless as the virus moves to the stomach (Staff, 2008). Once the Parvovirus is in the GI tract it begins to destroy the intestinal cells. It attacks the â€Å"Crypts of Lieberkuhn†, (Staff, 2005,  ¶ 10) which is where new cells for the intestines are created. When new cells cannot be created the villus begins to die. This causes major problems because the villus absorbs nutrients from food and water. This also destroys the lining of the stomach causing more problems. Diarrhea and nausea are major side effects of this destruction. Dehydration and the body becoming sepsis are the most common causes of death with the Parvovirus. The body can become septic when the lining of the stomach is destroyed and bacteria can enter the bloodstream (Staff, 2008). No test is completely foolproof so it is recommended that more than one test be used to test for the virus. When the Parvovirus attacks the immune system it destroys the white blood cells, this can be seen in blood tests. The most effective and most widely used test is the ELISA test. â€Å"The ELISA is short for Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbant Assay. It is similar to a pregnancy test but uses a stool sample† (Staff, Diagnosis, 2005,  ¶ 2). There are different brands but they all are effective and take about fifteen minutes for the results; however, if a puppy has had a live vaccine in the past five to twelve days it can affect the test results (Staff, 2008). Veterinarians used to run an IgG or IgM titer to test for the virus. This is not common anymore because the IgG titer will be positive if the puppy has had a live vaccine recently. The IgM titer only shows true results if there is increased activity in puppies that have not been recently vaccinated. These tests are difficult to read and are very limited. (Staff, 2008) The most common form of treatment is giving fluids to help prevent dehydration. â€Å"Dogs are given oral electrolytes if dehydration is mild and there is no vomiting, but if dehydration is severe and vomiting exists electrolytes are given intravenously† (The Merck Veterinary Manual, 2005, p 320). It is only recommended to give antibiotics if â€Å"there is blood loss, fever, or loss of intestinal integrity† (p320). When antibiotics are used they are given in combinations to be more effective. The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition says, â€Å"the most common antibiotics are Ampicillin or first or second generation Cephalosporin and Aminoglycosodine or Enrofloxacin (p320). Because there is such little treatment, the risk of exposure is great, and effects of the virus are so severe vaccinations are crucial (The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition, 2005). References Doctors Foster and Smith. (1997-2009). Retrieved February 12, 2009, from Live (2005). The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition. In The Merck Veterinary Manual 9th Edition (pp.319-324). Whitehouse Station, N.J.: Merck and Co., INC. Staff, M.C. (2008, November 15). Canine Parvovirus. Retrieved January 21, 2009, from Research Papers on Canine ParvovirusSexually Transmitted DiseasesMRSA Staph BacteriaImpact of Breast CancerYear Round SchoolingGenetic EngineeringIs the Use of Psychotropic Drugs in the Treatment ofLove DivorceThe Legal ProcessCash or Card?Project Management 101

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Informative Essay Sample on the Soviet Union

Informative Essay Sample on the Soviet Union The Soviet Union has always been an Imperialist country, in it constant quest for supreme power. The Cold War period steadily increased this quest to find a balance of power technologically, economically, militarily and territorially. Cuba was once annexed by the United States, after the American-Spanish war of 1898 and American business flourished under the (1933) Batista government (Harris, 2002). After great tension, Batista claimed dictatorship which Fidel Castro challenged legally, leading a group of rebels led by Castro to overthrow the corrupt Batista government. Cuba was then open to become a super-client of the Soviet Union. It can be assumed that through the aide of Soviet Imperialism, Cuba vastly improved its political might. Therefore without Soviet backing, Cuba would not have the material strength to pursue its own imperialistic tendencies. The reasons for this include the Soviet Unions great programs of military and economic aide for Cuba, eventually leading to the political dependence of Castro to the Soviet Union. Cubas revolutionary spirit to liberate Latin America is also based on Soviet military supplies sent to Cuba. These assumptions will be discussed in detail further on. The Soviet Union, like many powerful countries uses imperialism. Imperialism is a countries quest to spread its influence onto another country for the purpose of economics, religion or power. The Soviet Union, being a power bloc needed to acquire as much support as possible, to remain a superpower (Hoffman, 1986). Since the Cold War was taken very seriously by the Soviet Union, the location of the country it is to imperialist is also important. Location of an imperialised country can include building boarder security, and strategic defence as well as economic resources (Hoffman, 1986). After the Cuban revolution of January 1st 1959 (Harris, 2002) a pro-socialist island in the Caribbean Basin which opposed American involvement was sitting on [Americas] doorstep (Hoffman, 1986). This island was the perfect strategic territory for the Soviet Union, because it was so close Latin America (Rubinstein, 1988). However, seeing that Cuba was pro-socialist was so close to the United States, Soviet military build up on the island was essential for its protection. One of the many threats Cuba faced from the United States, started with Cuban destruction of US-owned land on Cuban soil. The United States responded to this action by banning Cuban trade, including the importing of sugar, and the exporting of medical aide (Hoffman, 1986; Harris, 2002; CNN; 1996). US threats continued through the build up of Cuban rebels, trained by the CIA in Florida. Because the Cuban people desperately needed to export sugar, and import oil for production, Cuba developed a trading agreement with the Soviet Union (Hoffman, 1986). The beginning of this trading partnership, slowly laid down the foundation of Cuban dependency on the Soviet Union. This tie with the Soviet Union has continually scarred the Cuban foreign policy with non-socialist states, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union (Harris, 2002). The Soviet Union also saw the threat the United States placed on Cuba, and aided it with massive military supplies and military personnel (Rubinstein 1988). The United States did not like the Soviet-Cuban relationship which was constantly growing; they especially did not like Fidel Castro, Cubas leader. In an attempt to overthrow the Castro government, the CIA trained many pro-Batista Cubans to try and inspire the Cuban people to revolt. They invaded in an area called The Bay of Pigs. Their attempt failed horribly, the United States miscalculated the mass support for Castro, and the Soviet Union by the Cuban people (Hoffman, 1986; Harris 2002). This failed attempt embarrassed the United States, and was the first of many plots against the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. Tensions between Cuba, the Soviet Union and the United States were once again reflected within the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 (CNN, 1996). Soviet militarization of Cuba had been steadily increasing after the Bay of Pigs incident, so much so that the Soviet Union started to set up nuclear missile silos within Cuba (Hoffman, 1986). The United States, afraid of nuclear conflict demanded Khrushchev immediately remove the existing missiles, and turn back further Soviet supply ships, carrying missiles (Rubenstein, 1988). The conflict was resolved as stated by Harris, 2002 the missiles are removed on condition that the US removes missiles stationed in Turkey and cease its attempts to overthrow Castro. This resolution greatly made Cuba an untouchable state from US intervention, as it was completely under Soviet protection. Within Latin America, the Cuban revolutionary spirit for social reform has remained unmatched, even by the Soviet Union which condemns Castros revolutionary procedure (Hoffman, 1986). The Soviet Union however has led many unsuccessful revolutionary attempts within Latin America; on the other hand CubaÐ ¢s guerrilla fighters have aided revolutionaries in Guatemala, Guinea, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa and the Republic of Congo (Harris, 2002). Much of the aide for these revolutionaries is in the form of Soviet weapons (Hoffman, 1986). The growing strength of the Soviet Union and Cuba has led to an unmatched military force (Hoffman, 1986). The Soviet Union is greatly aided through the use of Cuban military advisors and personnel throughout the globe, in 1986 more than 70,000 troops and advisors were overseas in 23 different countries (Hoffman, 1986). The Soviet Union and Cuba quelled the opposition within Angola (an African country fighting for freedom against apartheid). The massive military build-up of Cuba from the period of 1959-1986 created Cuba to become the greatest military power within Latin America (Hoffman, 1986). Because the Soviet Union has become Cubas main economic, political and military supplier, Cuba could not help but become completely dependant. Cubas dependence on the Soviet Union can be clearly seen through the militarization of Cubas society (Hoffman, 1986). Hoffman states that innovative approach to development has waned [Cuba] has become more and more dependant on Soviet economic assistance over 3 billion dollars per year. Cubas dependence is also reflected by Cubas response to the Soviet Union cutting back more than $10 million a-day subsidy (Manegold, 1989). To conclude, the Soviet Union successfully imperialised the island of Cuba, creating it to become completely dependant in all factors. Through the use of military intervention, the Soviet Union has ensured that Fidel Castro would remain in power, preventing further US led attacks against the Cuban leader. Soviet aide to Cuba through the use of military armaments let Cuba revolutionise Latin America by supporting guerrilla fighters and allowing social reform. In other words, if it was not for the Soviet Union, Cuba as a revolutionist country would have been overthrown by US led attempts against the island, and leader Fidel Castro. In return, the Soviet Union had grown to an unmatched military superpower thanks to the support of Cuban advisors and troops. You can also order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on the Soviet Union topics from our professional custom essay writing company which provides students with high-quality custom written papers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

John Mcdowell - Virtue and Reason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

John Mcdowell - Virtue and Reason - Essay Example McDowell’s notion of a virtuous agent depends on the â€Å"sensitivity† of the agent to see what a virtue requires (for instance, what constitutes prudence in a certain situation). This sensitivity arises in a virtuous agent when he or she is faced with the particular details of states of affairs. It is a perceptual awareness of the right reasons for acting in certain ways. Because such sensitivity amounts to getting things right, McDowell claims that this sensitivity is a form of knowledge, and since this sensitivity is a virtue, virtues extend directly from moral knowledge. As McDowell puts it, the reliable sensitivity constitutes knowledge and it is also a necessary condition for virtue. Accordingly, McDowell is claiming that knowledge is a necessary condition for virtues. But one can conceive of a person of who has moral knowledge, or virtues, but is unmotivated to act virtuously, which is a person that McDowell logically dismisses as impossible. However, it is a cl ear and intuitive possibility that simply because a person has moral knowledge, he or she is not necessarily motivated to act upon it. McDowell responds by claiming that a person who fails to act virtuously, even though he knew what amounted to virtue, failed to do so only by clouded judgment or a desire to do otherwise. This is the Aristotelian answer to the objection. However, what this response leads to is the rejection of virtue as anything more than sensitivity. Although McDowell has been claiming that virtue is more than sensitivity (it is also about acting upon the virtue), this reply to the objection of the unfocused, clouded desire implies that the failure to act is not due to the one’s lack of a thing that the virtuous person has. The virtuous person and the non-virtuous person have the same sensitivity to what virtue requires, so as a result, it cannot be the case that knowledge of what virtue requires is what separates the virtuous from the non-virtuous. Socrates overcomes this problem by claiming that the difference between a virtuous person and a non-virtuous person is ignorance. Unlike Aristotle, Socrates does not need to account for this objection with the existence of a desire or a clouded judgment, which is the approach McDowell takes as well. Instead, McDowell dismisses Socrates’ answer as extreme and favors instead the response given by Aristotle. A second premise inherent in McDowell’s â€Å"Virtue and Reason† is t

Friday, October 18, 2019

Dickens's Treatment of Social Mobility and Education in Our Mutual Essay

Dickens's Treatment of Social Mobility and Education in Our Mutual Friend - Essay Example .... as public figures, Dickens and Thackeray were more than just novelists, and even more than just literary figures. Throughout his career, Dickens lent his backing to a number of reform causes: reform of prison conditions, emigration policy, education, the civil service". (Knezevic,2003) Though Our Mutual Friend received mixed reviews at the time of its publication, it is known today as one of the best social novels by Dickens, whose concern for the ailments of his contemporary society was unflagging and remained undiminished till the end. Of course, through the comic genre Dickens has sought to vanquish the prevalent negatives of education and social mobility. His weapons of choice are humor and scarcely restrained sarcasm. But in this novel more than in any other, the attack is directed not so much at the logistical problems facing education and vertical social movement, but at the moral problems behind them: "Our Mutual Friend may be a searching attack on contemporary society, but it is one which is much more moral than Marxist". (Fielding, 1958) All Dickensian novels include an aspect of social mobility, whether in the aspirations of Pip in Great Expectations, or the plight of Nicholas in Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens had always felt compelled to examine the phenomenon of social mobility in the Victorian times. And this is a compulsion he retained to the very end, in Our Mutual Friend. This could be because it was so much in evidence in the Victorian times and also because social mobility by its nature is very complex and fascinating,: "Social mobility processes are integral to the very metabolism and core regulation of societies, both to their continuity and change over time. It is through such processes that basic social structures of class, status, and situs (branches of industry) are reproduced or transformed, emerge or disappear; that societies themselves move forward, consolidate or splinter, that institutions and enterprises recruit, that families launch their children, that individuals imagine and seek personal fulfilment in their lives".(Bertaux, Thompson, 1997) Britain during Dickens' life and times was a rapidly evolving nation, the very first in the world to be industrialised, and its society was changing in pace with this industrialisation. Social mobility was not only possible in such times of flux, it actually came to be expected, and indeed, taken for granted. The prevalence of social mobility produced the likes of Podsnap, Headstone, Bella and Charles Hexam, each an individual shaped by the socio-economic forces, who Dickens satirised in an effort to highlight the evils of social mobility without at least a degree of moral application. Dickens himself had moved up in life from having had to work in a shoe-black bottling company as a child, to becoming one of the most prominent personages in Victorian Britain. Social mobility and its various aspects were thus naturally reflected in a major part of his extensive body of work. But in Our Mutual Friend, Dickens takes his concerns regarding social mobility to a new level and examines it with great intensity, and also to quite a great extent: "We see in Our Mutual Friend what Dickens thinks of wealth for its own sake and how the rich

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation Term Paper

Business Model of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation - Term Paper Example The Odyssey team of chemical engineers and logisticians brings unparalleled expertise to the logistics supply chain in all modes of transport. The Odyssey Global Logistics Platform is a transportation management infrastructure that serves as the technology backbone to Odyssey's service offering. Odyssey International LLC is a licensed export freight forwarder and wholly owned subsidiary of Odyssey Logistics & Technology, managing exports to more than 80 countries. Odyssey Overland LLC is a wholly owned affiliate of Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation operating as a broker and domestic freight forwarder for bulk and package truck shipments in North America. The company is backed by investors Trident Capital, LogiSpring, Boston Millennia Partners, CMEA Ventures and RRE Ventures. Odyssey Logistics & Technology Corporation has a team of experts in Supply Chain and Logistics Management, commercial carrier management, logistics operations and execution, and supply chain technology. They use the Supply Chain Management (SCM) system to support these processes called the Odyssey Solution based on the Odyssey Global Logistics Platform that provides a single interface to the chemical and process industry logistics markets. Odyssey Solution is a Business Information System that stores information about the complete suite of logistics services in all modes of transport, globally. The company tailors its service offerings to meet its clients' needs, leveraging its technology platform and information systems to provide any service from a single point solution to a complete logistics solution. They own no transportation equipment or warehouses, allowing them to negotiate as an independent, neutral party in the marketplace, acting in the best interests of the customers. The Business Information System Odyssey Solution manages all aspects of the supply chain from inbound sourcing and delivery logistics through outbound shipment, handling, consolidation, deconsolidation, distribution, and delivery of end products. Odyssey can, through its integrated transportation management system, provide its clients with cargo planning, tendering, shipment visibility and configurable event management, freight audit and pay ment, and management reporting.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essay

Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - Essay Example The Martin Luther king’s dream was wide; it included poverty and what he called â€Å"militarism†. Today, Luther King is known for his tremendous efforts against racial discrimination. As much as King fought against racial discrimination, it is vast and complex, and cannot be treated as a single subject. This is because it included the social, education, political and economic discrimination of Black people in America. In 1962, King, On behalf of the Black community, made an appeal to President Kennedy to complete his work of giving freedom to the Black community (Schlueter 60). However, because Martin Luther King came from a background of loving parents and later Christian leader, he preached peaceful demonstrations in all the campaigns he was involved in. America will remember Dr. Luther, for his peaceful movements such as Black Civil Rights Bill enforcement as well as Supreme Court Ruling against the laws of Jim Crow. His major strategy was peaceful protesting; mostl y inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. In this various speeches, Luther, created an image of an activist of peace across the United States (Schlueter 70 -77). Malcolm X was a frustrated person from his childhood age until his times of changing America’s ideology about African-Americans. Malcolm sought refuge in Islamic nations and used the same to protest in his campaign against racism. In his protest, he did not preach for peaceful demonstration, but, taught the Black people to use anything in their power to reject racism. Unlike Luther King, Malcolm X disliked white people because of their oppressiveness especially the poor Black poor people in the ‘ghetto’ (Ladenburg 31). However, Malcolm X, just like Luther King, wanted to end racism and the best for the Black community. Before Martin Luther began his journey to fleeing his fellow Black from racial segregation, ‘Negros’ had no rights to vote or register

Travel and Tourism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Travel and Tourism - Coursework Example Among the cities that developed include; Bath, Buxton, Harrogate and Cheltenham. These cities were the most admired in the early 18th century (Cockrell and Trew, 2003, p. 25) Bath as a city was the representative city with a striking social and urban development of hot springs in England. Bath now had become famous and had developed from a small spa provincially to the most adorable place, outside London. The spa was famous for its healing powers. Bath became a valley of treasure to most people. People from different societies came to drink waters and enjoy the unique society, shop and even gamble (Billy, 1967, p. 45). While there was beneficial and healing properties of the waters of bathe. People did not mind about the modesty and decency depicted by the use of the waters. Individuals of both sexes male and female always bath by day and were naked. In the early 18th century, new private baths were built to cater for this situation. There was now a portion of the female and another one for males, and they no longer had to bath together. There was also the development of the National Health Service which was responsible in providing water treatments on prescription (oppapers, 2012, p.2) According to Chandra, (2009, p. 12) in 19th century seaside resorts had developed and had overtaken the most admired spots to visit. These resorts offered attractions that reflected the fitness obsessions and spiritual fulfillment of different individuals in the society. Most resorts had a theme running from religious virtues to retreats that were meditative. The seashore was also a relief to the invalid, but mostly it was used for recreational purposes. The earliest visitors could drink and not bathe in the water. Some small fishing resorts also developed in England as a result of those visitors who sunk themselves deeply into the sea water (Altman, 1945, p. 12). The sea side resorts became popular and gradually became the social meeting points. The number of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X Essay

Compare and Contrast Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - Essay Example The Martin Luther king’s dream was wide; it included poverty and what he called â€Å"militarism†. Today, Luther King is known for his tremendous efforts against racial discrimination. As much as King fought against racial discrimination, it is vast and complex, and cannot be treated as a single subject. This is because it included the social, education, political and economic discrimination of Black people in America. In 1962, King, On behalf of the Black community, made an appeal to President Kennedy to complete his work of giving freedom to the Black community (Schlueter 60). However, because Martin Luther King came from a background of loving parents and later Christian leader, he preached peaceful demonstrations in all the campaigns he was involved in. America will remember Dr. Luther, for his peaceful movements such as Black Civil Rights Bill enforcement as well as Supreme Court Ruling against the laws of Jim Crow. His major strategy was peaceful protesting; mostl y inspired by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. In this various speeches, Luther, created an image of an activist of peace across the United States (Schlueter 70 -77). Malcolm X was a frustrated person from his childhood age until his times of changing America’s ideology about African-Americans. Malcolm sought refuge in Islamic nations and used the same to protest in his campaign against racism. In his protest, he did not preach for peaceful demonstration, but, taught the Black people to use anything in their power to reject racism. Unlike Luther King, Malcolm X disliked white people because of their oppressiveness especially the poor Black poor people in the ‘ghetto’ (Ladenburg 31). However, Malcolm X, just like Luther King, wanted to end racism and the best for the Black community. Before Martin Luther began his journey to fleeing his fellow Black from racial segregation, ‘Negros’ had no rights to vote or register

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing Essay - 2

Production Plan for Riordan Manufacturing - Essay Example That means that the company aims at [providing the best relationship with the company and that will enhance the client customer relationship. The company believes that relationships that are long term should be sorted by maintenance of a rigorous control that is of a high quality and that should be responsive to the attitude in the execution of the business and the setting of prices that are reasonable. The company also maintains an employee team that is team oriented and innovative in working. The company maintains an innovative team by making sure that it has employees that are properly supported and well informed and the company ensures that the climate that is provided in the working area is focused on viability that is long term. The company has a future that is based on achievement and maintenance of profitability in an attempt to assure that human and financial capital is available so as to encourage growth in the company (Riordan The company is a manufacturer of plastics and it employees more than 550 people and it has a projected earnings that is equivalent to $46million. The company is owned by Riordan industries which have a total revenue base that is greater than $ 1 billion. The products that are manufactured by the company include beverage containers that are plastic, customized plastic parts and fan parts that are made of plastic. The company operates 3 entities that are based in Michigan, California and Georgia and a joint venture that is based in china. The operating entities have systems that are independent and they have the following components; The entity that is based in san Josà © is licensed for integration of windows based on ERP manufacturing, financial management and distribution of software application that are designed for processing plastics and assembling of the manufactured products. However, the given license usually does not include the

Failed Products Essay Example for Free

Failed Products Essay A clothier, such as Levi Strauss, that has been around for 150 years is bound to have their share of hits and misses because fashion is terribly fickle and largely unpredictable. But this doesn’t mean you should ignore your target audience. In late 2002, Levi Strauss began a massive marketing push to launch what was being touted as one of the company’s most significant launches in history, Type 1 Jeans. The line unnecessarily went to great lengths to accentuate all those signature design details already long-associated with Levi’s, such as the red tab logo, buttons, rivets, and the two-horse back patch. To accompany the launch, Levi Strauss spent $2 million on an artsy, misguided  Super Bowl commercial  that confused viewers. Going against common practice, they placed Type 1 in retailers with inconsistent prices, ranging from $30 at a retailer like JC Penney’s to over $100 at Barney’s, with no discernable difference in quality. Levi Strauss pulled the entire line after less than two years and Type 1 proved to be the proud clothier’s most spectacular flop. How marketing can cause a product to fail? I have discussed in the past many good examples of  marketing helped a product to succeed. Apple is the first brand that comes to mind when we talk about marketing. The communication and design of the products has led to its wide spread success and Apple becoming one of the  most valuable companies in the world. But what about marketing failures? For every Apple there are many products that fail due to bad marketing strategies. In this piece I would like to discuss one of them-  The TATA Nano. - In a recent trip to Sri Lanka, I saw the TATA Nano being used extensively as a Taxi. As I asked around the average Sri Lankan felt that the Nano though a good car  did not carry enough prestige to be a passenger car. And this they felt was a result of the positioning taken by the marketing managers of the brand. As I look back at the previous campaigns for the Nano, it suddenly struck me that Nano was a consumer behavior assessment failure. The brand managers positioned the car as the next upgrade for a family of four with a two wheeler. But every such household had an aspiration to move to something better and not necessarily cheaper. Even if the consumer was in that income bracket, he aspired for something cooler. This point was not taken into consideration while the brand managers were coming up with the positioning. The next campaign focused on the tier 2 cities with bad roads and little or no inclination to move things along. This further hit the car sales. Finally now the Nano has been positioned as a cool car to have fun with. Also the colors and the powerful AC are being positioned as the differentiators along with the classic adage of better fuel efficiency that has helped its sales. I personally feel that positioning a product or service would be a strong spin off from consumer behavior and without understanding the hopes and aspirations of the masses a product is bound to not have the stickiness factor. TATA Nano was a classic case of a product manager who chooses not to respect the aspirations of his prospective consumers. A famous marketer once told me that â€Å"A man buys a car for what he wants to be and buys a house based on what he is†.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History Essay about Apartheid

History Essay about Apartheid Following the stretched history of Europes imperialism, the 1948s National Party election ushered in a novel historical dispensation in the South African social, political as well as economic landscapes. The national party intensified and officialised the apparatus of racial segregation under both the British and the Dutch rule. As noted by Ayittey (1996), the coalition which constituted the national party in addition to other consequent South African governments standardized separatist directive which resulted in the effectual categorization of persons according to races. The organization was planned in a way such that the White minority marginalised the black majority to its management in a deceitful system well-known jointly as apartheid. The existence of the dispensation placed the white minority on a favourable platform than their black majority counterparts. The ruling white minority and who were at the top of the hierarchy in the South African society controlled the social-eco nomic affairs as well as the political arena. Ayietty (1996) took note of the fact that the white acquired all the positions that ensured that they sustained and fully enjoyed the proceeds of the countrys industrialization whilst the black majority lurched in scarcity and estrangement in the margins of a racist and devious regime. In addition, Esler (1996) discovered that while the white minority had full access to a high standard of life similar to that of developed countries, the black majority lingered in the sphere of mediocre education, poverty, in addition to pitiable living standards. This situation in all aspects of life led to the prevalence of low life expectancy among the blacks. South Africa had simply turned into a state that was governed by following the propositions of the whites-only referendum. Subsequently, South Africa split up from other former colonies including the Commonwealth group of British colonies. Apartheid was an ostracized political dogma which was out rightly destined in the whole world, Esler (1996) pointed out that apartheid was set up at a time when the human race had already gone through the impact of imperialism and racial discrimination culminating from the devious slavery system in America as well as the scramble for Africa. The instruments of apartheid led to isolation a nd the divestment South Africa from conventional global doings in political social as well as economic realms. The separatist and racist apartheid legislations ensured that the blacks remained at the margins of the major economic activity. On the other hand, the enacted coterie of pass legislations made it hard for the blacks majority to have access to the income generating opportunities as well as well-paid jobs in the white zones. A statement by Jean (1989) reveals that the apartheid regime made it nearly impossible and difficult for the blacks to be involved in any economic activity. For instance, most women who attempted venturing into commercial beer brewing were often raided by the police and labelled as deviants. (Op.cit) indication to the economic control imposed on women by the apartheid system was the actuality that the existence of women in towns was illegal in the authoritarian assertion of pass laws. In addition, Black men were also barred from making a living in the desirable White Zones A considerable percentage of blacks were employed in the farms owned by the whites where earnings were astonishingly low. Entrance to towns where one could have landed on a lucrative job or even better income earning prospects was closely safeguarded by the racially prejudiced regime through the implementation of stringent pass laws. The pass laws were accompanied by an endorsement in and endorsement out clause. The part was set for use by employers who in return use the clause while condemning or recommending pass holders. Subsequently, the stage administering the economic indulgence constrained the blacks to deprived rural areas identified then as Bantustans. Numerous of these reserves were supposed to be in premeditated poverty by way of prohibiting access to private possessions as part of the invasive feint customized to gag the economic opulence of black South Africans. The condition of the pass laws created for the black South Africans was part of a holistic ruse to influence the capitalist method on cheap labour. The establishment and enactment of Pass laws made it possible for the regime to incarcerate most of the black South Africans to stations where human labour was required the most like in the farms. The circumstances came with substantial law pass linked arrests in urban areas where criminals were ferried to white farms to be used as prison labourers. Verwoerd delineated that controls regarding emigration had to be stiffened to avert manpower from departing the white farming areas and instead turn into loafers in the city. (Hayward Jean 1989) One illuminate societal impact of apartheid in South Africa was its considerable effect on women. Women endured the dual brunt of gender segregation as well as racial discrimination. According to Lowis (1996), the oppression of black women was dissimilar from the type of repression directed at men. Women under apartheid had no rights (Lowis, 1996). The researcher underscores that in the profound hand of apartheid women were not allowed to access education, they had neither rights to own property nor any legal rights. Several black women had found their only financial consolation in mean jobs as either domestic workers or in the farms for meagre wages. The majority of the women had to undergo the depressing reality of horrible poverty which increased the death rate of children who heavily suffered from malnutrition. On the public facade, one main feature of the deceitful system of apartheid was the stratification and classification of people as per their respective races. Legislations such as the Population Registration Act of 1950 were enacted to assist in the categorization of all South African citizens with respect to their race. The major Classifications recognized consisted of the Whites, the Black as well as the coloured. From a different front the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act of 1953 was used to create split public facilities for use by both the blacks and the whites. This was the driving force of the apartheid philosophy which supported the racial differences as the source for nationalist economic social, as well as political policies. Sebastian (1992) highlights that the execution of the apartheid system supposed that South Africa was the first state in the world to legalize racism. In addition, Sebastian (1992) alluded to apartheid as a very repressive system that was intended to be a tool for overbearing the economic lives of all the black individuals as well as their respective physical locality. The writer notes anyone found without an approved job would be relocated off the urban or white zones. This resulted in a scenario where blacks working in urban areas lived as annual immigrants. The black were required to subsist in two different worlds where they may possibly just live with their families in remote rural area on one occasion in a long while and then travel into urban areas for over eleven months to fend for their relatives in the city, in the mines or in the mines. On the worldwide collective dais, the organization of apartheid in South Africa led to the seclusion of South Africa in worldwide sport in the mid 1950s. It should be highlighted that apartheid barred multiracial sport which had the implication that South Africa could not take part in international teams as these teams consisted of numerous races. Demands from associations such as the Non-Racial South African Sport Association put pressure on South Africa. The association made efforts and lobbied the International Committee to put weight on the South African government to influence and rectify its racial sports policies and institutions. The xenophobic antics of the apartheid were propagated and local as well as international pressure groups pushed for more efficient seclusion of South Africa. The apartheid ploy comprised of a coterie of incorporated financial and political procedures harmonized by societal strategies modified to incarcerate the black mainstream to environs of the South Africa culture. The pass regulations ended in a methodical demolition of the family component as well as the whole cultural and societal structure of the black preponderance. The popularity of felony in the slums is strongly linked with adverse state of affairs in which children are brought by principally struggling single parents, especially mothers, dwelling in the slums where the regulative father facet is constantly absent. Mermelstein David (1987) points out that a major aspect that served as a profound blow to the black community was the element of education. The blacks were supplied with a doctored Bantu learning syllabus which simply equipped the black to minister to the consumerist desires of their white masters. The definite form of education prospectus crafted in forged means to maintain blacks at the overhaul of their white masters meant that learning was not compulsory and as essential as was the case for white children. The issue policies in significant subjects for instance science, math and languages made the blacks linger in restricted profession prospects with inability to contend with their white counterparts. The education catastrophe was exasperated by University isolation which was executed in 1959 to capitulate devastating results for the blacks. Mermelstein David (1987) commented that the effects of schooling strategies are far severe than the situation tinted by South Africas school turnout and literacy facts. The researcher declares that the majority of the South Africans supposedly learned are in actuality functionally ignorant from a developed functionality perception whereas scores of those scheduled as attending school create negligible advancementÂÂ  over the years due to stumpy turnout and pass statistics. The doctored apartheid informative strategy not only dented the black societal framework but also damaged the apartheid financial system and fashioned restraining vicinities which were not in cycle with formation of a pulsating autonomous financial system. Mermelstein David (1987) explains that Apartheid teaching guidelines resulted in locating back human resource formation past a distinct generation which consequently fashioned the most essential of all financial limitations on the outlook and prediction of the advancement and growth of the state financial system and independentÂÂ  society in general. Albert Luthuli was the initial leader of black emancipation faction the African National Congress from the year 1925 to 1960. The black association idol was awarded a Nobel Peace reward for the responsibility that he cooperated in combating ethnic brutality in the 1960s. The resistance was fought from assorted angles attributing diverse conquerors at diverse intonations of the fig ht back which terminated in the voting of the ANC into authority in 1994 at the time Nelson Mandela turned out to be the earliest black president of South Africa. The Apartheid system restricted blacks in the echelon of tyranny by endorsing regulations to prohibit the dispute of blacks against the ills of the status quo. The nationwide labour decree for example was propagated to limit blacks and the citizens of colour from objecting the performance of the indigenous labour Act of 1953. In the principle of the Act Suckling, John et al (1988) remarks that the regimes administrators were given the authority to proclaim states of emergency and augment the forms of punishment that the administration were to impose. One such extraordinary state of emergency transpired at Sharpeville where almost 69 blacks died in a brutal spar amid the state military and the black protestors. The apartheid government had numerous grasps on the societal lives of the blacks. Suckling John et al (1988) comments that the rules which explicitly dealt with individual privileges necessitated that couples get country consent prior to living jointly. State establishments would either award or deny the rights of the black couples for feeble explanations frequently found on what the country usually deemed to be surplus blacks. Under the individual decrees families considered as excess were thrown out of the Bantustans and damned to live in places remote from the secured white regions. The societal lives of South Africans were as well exposed to the ruthless Immorality Act of 1950 which believed marriage involving diverse races as unlawful. Moreover, the modification of the Immorality Act in 1957 solicited that even the illustration of plans to create a relationship with somebody of an ethnicity different from yours was prohibited. Under apartheid decree blacks were suppressed from all political doings. The blacks independent rights were seized from them alongside all their civil rights which were forfeited under numerous regulations passed by the state administration. Any political configurations particularly those fashioned with the objective of communicating resistance politics was forbidden through the ratification and execution of the Suppression of Communism Act of 1950. This act offered the basis for onslaught on any sort of political movement despite of whether it was socialist or not. The detached Representation of Voters Act seized the suffrage from the control of the blacks and banned them from partaking in general voting. Sunter Clem (1987) comments that the decrees approved to control political doings were authoritative to a degree that any black who wanted to defy them risked custody demise. Sunter Clem (1987) declares that by 1963 the defence police force had exterminated more than 100 blacks in political altercations. Dozens of thousands were confined to prison many without any trial nor legal representation (Op.cit) The author also remarks that due to the tyrannical and impulsive political indulgence countless blacks died in political remonstrations and conflicts as police force and the armed forces gunned down black campaigners. By expansion The South African Statute Laws gave assertion to the South African argument to imprison any citizen to remote sections or states. The imprisonment sentence involved issues like blacks were forbidden by the country to travel, inscribe, or converse in public. Even more appalling for the blacks those confined had no supremacy to petition against the imposed endorsements. The United Nations classify South Africa as a middle revenue country with a redoubtable contribution of wealth. United Nations furthermore identify SA as a state with well industrialized economic, lawful, communication and transportation segments amid other props of one of Africas financial and political powerhouses. The South African stock trade, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is categorized along with the pinnacle twenty in the globe. Ayittey George (2006) clarifies that the generally glowing financial infrastructure from the apartheid government of the post-apartheid black government is innate. The author comments that the financial system leverages a great deal on contemporary infrastructure which chains a proficient allocation of commodities to main hubs right through the Southern African expanse. In 2007, South Africa was categorized as 25th globally in the assessment of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of that year. South Africa is racially varied as apparent through the language strategy which holds 11 official languages. The varied music, dance as well as food from a superfluity of cultures has led to South Africa being one if the major tourist destinations. Society is nevertheless determined by the depressing crime levels which stay on as an evocative indentation to the Southern African powerhouse laden with abundant potentials. Despite having gone through apartheid, South Africa has remained to be an economic thrust in the region and in the whole continent. The present international economic predicament however pressurizes to halt the development that the country has realized in the precedent years. From Dodsons point of view, South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people. This thought of equal opportunity as well as fairness was the underpinning in South Africa. Regrettably, with the arrival of the Dutch, South Africa turned into a system known as apartheid. Apartheid was a structure that ensured racial isolation, in addition to providing the whites with the power to rule above all the other races. Despite the fact that the blacks had made trials to stop the whites from gaining power. There came the effects that enclosed every facet of their life together with work, education and property. Despite all the protesting by the blacks, their attempted way out did not reasonably work. Ultimately apartheid ended in the spring of 1994. Apartheid is truly a social injustice since it brought suffering to non-white people as well as depriving them of their God given rights and privileges.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Physics of the Curve Ball :: Physics Research Papers

The Physics of the Curve Ball Dad said that one of these days I would figure it out, but to this day I am still clueless. I have always been able to throw a decent curve ball; you don’t just throw 6 one hit games in your high school career without one. I have always wondered why and how the ball curves through the air, and it wasn’t until now that I have really had the chance to research a topic that has puzzled me for so long. I would bet that even pitchers in the â€Å"Big show† don’t know how or why, but they obviously have the talent and ability. I don’t know when the first curveball was thrown or who threw it, but there is a lot of controversy out there about whether or not the curveball really exists. The only forces on the curveball were thought to be gravity and air resistance, ( ). So obviously, the path of the â€Å"curveball† was just an illusion, because the effects of gravity pulled the ball toward the ground, at 9.8 meters/squared seconds, as soon as the ball left the pitcher’s finger tips, and the air drag is just the force acting in the opposite direction slowing the ball as soon as the ball is hurled from the same point mentioned above. Concluding that the ball does not curve; the ball just follows the path of expected projectile motion. Even as technology presents itself, scientists have been able to show step by step, strobe photos of a curve ball and conclude that the curveball was just an optical illusion( ). I have to admit that I have seen this illusive curveball many, many times. Believe me, I know because I have been punched out by the umpire on a called strike three because I was just standing there like a deer caught in the headlights with my thumb up my, you know what, as the ball goes right by. I am not happy about being just another statistic in the score books, as I have been fooled by the â€Å"junk† as some in the game would call that pitch. But I do know one thing, there is no illusion there. As you are up to the plate, battling a pitcher with a good curveball, you know that the pitch coming right at you will get you to first base with a good feeling that you are a base runner instead of a strike out victim.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Fashion Trends in the Fifties Essay -- Fashion Retail Merchandising Es

Fashion Trends in the Fifties â€Å"It was different in the USA, where wartime restrictions had been quickly removed, and where the new ‘consumer society’ was forging ahead – helped by new developments such as the start of the credit card system in 1950. But these differing conditions produced a similar effect on fashion both in Europe and America – a tendency to prefer the safe and normal, a veering away from the radical and extreme. ‘Normal’ felt good, especially with the memory of the war still so fresh in many people’s minds† (Baker 6). Fashion is an important aspect to people’s lives, and is influenced by various parts of society. Sometimes there are practical reasons behind certain fashion trends, but there are some trends that have no apparent origin or purpose. Fashion can also influence other parts of popular or high culture, including music. â€Å"Rock n’ roll,† the music of the 1950’s, displayed young people’ s (17-25 year-olds) interest in clothes, as heard in such pop tracks as â€Å"White Sports Coat† and â€Å"Blue Suede Shoes† (Baker 12). Regardless of purpose or origin, â€Å"style [in the 1950’s] often meant super luxury, whether it was the use of lots of shiny chrome or lace, shimmering with sequins† (Baker 11). During the 1950’s, style was not only a portrayal of one’s sense of fashion – it was a portrayal of who you were. In the 1950’s, the role of a woman was to be in the home, and particularly in the kitchen. â€Å"Yet the usual media image of a housewife showed her not as a mother in comfortable trousers and sweater, or loose dress, suitable for such work, but as a doll-like figure dressed in rustling, full skirts, nipped waist and narrow-fitting bodice. Even her apron had deep frills and a heart-shaped top and pocke... vests and chinos as leisurewear, then people were that much closer to being â€Å"normal.† Works Cited - Baker, Patricia. Fashions of a Decade: the 1950s. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1991. An edition of a series that illustrates the most influential trends in twentieth- century fashion. Focuses on fashion as an integral part in the arts, technology, politics, and society. - Stott, Jon C., Raymond E. Jones, and Rick Bowers, eds. The Harbrace Anthology of Literature 2nd ed. Toronto: Harcourt Canada Ltd., 1998. An anthology of various literature, ranging from poetry, to prose, to plays. - Unknown Author. â€Å"Fashion 50s.† Yesterdayland Web Site. 2000. (17 Mar. 2002). A web-site showcasing fashion trends throughout the decades of the twentieth-century.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Hcc Industries

08 Fall 08 Fall 1. Evaluate the decision to use â€Å"minimum performance standard â€Å" (MPS) targets instead of â€Å"stretch† targets. We evaluate the decision to use â€Å"minimum performance standard† targets by looking at how good this new target system achieves the four purposes of planning and budgeting processes. First of all, planning and budgeting processes have to enhance management control. Derived from the case, we think corporate managers have too much control on the targets. General managers give corporate managers an estimate of the targets they can achieve but in all the divisions, targets were adjusted.The CEO always has the last call on the targets and in the case of Sealtron we see that this isn’t good. No one believes Sealtron can achieve a PBT of 1milion $ and still the CEO wants that target. For the general manager of Sealtron this was very discouraging. So indeed, management control on targets has increased but maybe too much. On the o ther hand, division managers now have more control on the bonus pool, they can decide which subordinates share in the bonus pool. That isn’t good either because of the grade of subjectivity.If you’re not in good graces with the general manager, you will not achieve any bonuses. Bonuses are not based on how good you actually work but on how good the general manager believes you work. So maybe the control on targets has to be reduced a little bit and the control on the bonus pool has to be made more objective. Secondly, the planning and budgeting processes have to engage in long(er)-term thinking. In the system of â€Å"stretch† targets, some divisions achieved their goals, some not but the company as a whole was consistently missing its targets.In the MPS system they want to improve this. The problem however with the MPS system is that there is too much focus on operational planning, targets are set on short term. Targets are the main focus of the company, even i f you have to take measures that are disadvantageous towards the future. For example, in the Sealtron division the general manager hired some people that he thought would be useful for the company on the long term. But because the main focus lays on achieving the targets, Lou Palamara was afraid that he had to lay off some people that he will likely need in the future.So the MPS system still supports rather the short term, there is no engagement in long-term thinking. Then the third purpose is to achieve coordination. The purpose of the company was to create a bottom-up approach. In this approach division managers prepare the budgets and then forward them to the corporate managers for review and approval. Targets that are provided by the division managers tend to be more accurate and have a positive impact on employee morale because they know they can achieve the targets. They also get the feeling of autonomy. In the HCC case however, the implementation of the bottom-up approach goe s wrong.Division managers prepare the budgets and feel good about it but in each division the corporate managers adjust the budgets dramatically. The way in which the corporate managers change the budgets is perceived as dictatorial. No general manager feels confident with the new adjusted budgets. And as said before, even some corporate managers doubt whether the proposed budgets are feasible. So the dictatorial adjustments from the CEO are rather perceived as a top-down approach, in which budgets are prepared by corporate managers and imposed on the lower managers.The last purpose of planning and budgeting processes is to establish â€Å"challenging-but-achievable† performance targets. In the â€Å"stretch† targets system, targets are perceived as â€Å"not unreachable, just tough†. The intended probability of achievement was around 75 to 80%. This is just slight below the desired level (80-90%). In the MPS system, the probability of budget achievement was abo ve the desired level (Hermetic Seal and Glasseal) but in the case of Sealtron the probability of achievement is only 60-65%.So again, if we look at all the divisions together, the company is missing the last purpose of planning and budgeting processes. 2. Should HCC managers have expected that the MPS target-setting philosophy would be equally effective in all four operating divisions described? No, they should not think so. The new MPS budget system has both advantages and disadvantages, which do not have effect on every division to the same extent and thus result in the difference of the effectiveness of the MPS target-setting philosophy on different divisions.We will answer this question with the comparison of the 4 divisions’ reaction to the MPS system by looking over the characteristics of their managers, staffs, markets and other relevant aspects. We believe that Hermetic Seal is relatively suitable for the MPS philosophy. As mentioned in the text, Hermetic Seal’ s customers were mostly military customers, indicating that their contacts and sales did not change significantly according to the economic fluctuations and were more or less stable.So Hermetic Seal was more likely to make a correct expectation about their future and make an achievable, as well as challenging, budget, which is the key of the MPS. Mike, the manager of Hermetic Seal, who was looking for a large bonus, would make more conservative budgets to ensure that he could always meet the targets. He intentionally lowered the budget target that he used to make, in order to let off the pressure to meet the targets, so at the same time he reduced the motivation to fight for more challenging targets as well.Glasseal manager Carl feels more pressure about the budget and is thus more motivated to strive for the budget and keep his job. The budget target is challenging but achievable, as Carl is 90% sure to achieve the target. This is a proper probability according to practical experie nce in the budgeting system. We believe that Glasseal is the best-suited division for the MPS system. Lou, the Sealtron manager, would like to pay more attention to long-term development instead of currently cutting costs.He was upset with the MPS system but was forced to accept the system and the budget, so perhaps he is poorly motivated to implement the system. However, despite the manager's resistance to the MPS system, the performance of the division has improved under the new system and achieved most budgeting targets that were considered as impossible when making the budget and even exceeded some of them. The staff of the division used to be slothful under the stretch system when they didn't have to achieve the budget, whereas MPS is stimulating the staff to be more efficient.In contrast to the three connection divisions reacting in a positive way to MPS, we consider MPS as a disaster for Hermetite. The division was keeping a horrible financial record in its growing period and needed to focus more on long-term development, so it was unfair and improper to judge and evaluate Hermetite’s performance with financial criteria and to ask them to achieve all the yearly budgeting targets and financial criteria. Moreover, Hermetite’s market situation was hard to predict, as it was unstable and changed significantly from year to year, so it was unlikely to make a proper budget based on a correct rediction of the future. Even worse, the manager of Hermetite, an optimistic person, would like to set high standards in order to achieve high performance. He was upset with the new MPS philosophy, which forced him to accept a cut budget. And different from the â€Å"stretch† budgeting, which encouraged employees to achieve as high targets as they could, the most important motivation for employees in the MPS system is to keep their jobs. For Hermetite, which owned a huge potential and infinite future growth, the former system would have been better. To conclude, Glasseal suited the MPS philosophy best.Hermetic Seal and Sealtron would also perform a relatively positive change in the MPS system. But â€Å"stretch† budgeting is better for Hermetite than MPS. 3. What, if anything, could have been done to improve the implementation of the new philosophy? In order to provide a schematic response to this question, we return to the structure used to provide an answer to question one, being the four purposes of planning and budgeting processes. The first purpose is to enhance management control. With regard to the implementation of the new system, the amount of management control exercised has altered quite ambiguously.On the one hand, the creation of the bonus pool has augmented the amount of decentralized control to the division managers. This was mainly a result of the critique that there was always substantial delay with regard to payments of the bonuses. However, in its current execution, this pool causes the problem of a lack of segregation of duties. A recommendation is thus to leave ultimate authorization of bonuses with the general management, as an attempt to create reasonable assurance of no fraud is being committed by division managers.It would also cause division managers (who would still be able to appoint bonuses themselves) to account for the amount of subjectivity that is involved within this bonus system. The general management might ask explanations with regard to the division of bonuses. On the other hand, the implementation has increased the management control to an unnecessary high level. As can be seen in the answer to the second question, the tensions between divisional and general management have raised substantially within someone divisions without resulting in a higher success rate of targets being met.As a possible solution, an overseeing marketing function might be created. We envision two possible ways to exercise this measure. First, the function could be outsourced to a marketi ng agency, which would conduct an annual audit of the divisions and make suggestions regarding appropriate budget heights. In this way, the independence of this function can be assured. Second, the function could be orientated internally as a staff function with a mandate in the board of directors. The benefit of this second option is a continuous review of the divisions (as opposed to periodical review trough an external agency).The main goal of creating this role is to provide general management with a better knowledge of the market circumstances in which the division operate. And if division managers feel that general managers can provide supported arguments for a certain level of target and/or budget, their commitment could be influenced positively, which is an important characteristic of a budget. The second purpose is to engage in long(er)-term thinking. Using the current implantation, as we mentioned in question one, this purpose is completely missed. The organization does no t achieve in completing the planning cycle.The focus is mainly on operation planning, whereas strategic planning, programming and capital budgeting are taken insufficiently into the equation. When the company decided to change its philosophy, it envisioned a better coordination between divisional results so the company results as a whole would improve. But the results of this new philosophy don’t account at all to this strategy. This lack of ‘fit’ between strategic and operational planning could be countered by the above-mentioned marketing function, but also by accepting a higher level of risk.Especially with regard to Hermetite, HCC should be willing to accept the optimistic sales forecasts and even suffer losses during short term because in the long run it could perhaps achieve its immense growing potential and generate generous revenue and profit for the firm. In general, the general management should have thoroughly assessed the general mission, vision and s trategy of the firm beforehand and used this more strictly as a guideline to the budgeting and target setting process. The third purpose is to achieve coordination.The most important mistake committed by general management in this area, was the vigorous approach of the new top-down budgeting process. Although the general management tried to create a mixture of top-down and bottom-up in their system, their rather dictatorial approach has created the sentiment that the focus is purely on top-down budgeting. This approach could have been softened by a better communication towards division managers and other personnel. This step might seem negligible, but it could seriously impact the culture that is present in certain divisions (for instance Sealtron).Another possible measure is to decentralize some target-setting authority to division managers. Not total authority, but perhaps a system that involves negotiating power over the extents of targets. It could involve limits to targets, ins tead of an absolute number. In this way, the coordination might evolve more towards a sideways coordination system. The last purpose is to establish â€Å"challenging but achievable† performance targets. If the above-mentioned suggestions are addressed, we believe that this fourth purpose could be provided with reasonable assurance. It is an additional outcome to implementation of the recommendations already made.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Office Administration

Office Administration Project Learning Objectives At the end of this project students will be able to: Prepare an application for a job Complete application forms for employment Prepare various types of follow-up letters, letters of acceptance/non-acceptance Mark Scheme Task Description Mark Allocated Dream Job A. Reason for Interest In the particular Job chosen B. Qualifications necessary for the Job chosen 10 2 Resume Resume complete with all its relevant parts Dream Job Cover Letter Application Form Accurate completion of form 3 A. B. C. D. 8 4 Letter of applicationFollow-up letter Acceptance letter Letter declining offer Resignation letter Presentation A. Cover page (name, class, date project was given & due, teacher's name and title of project) B. Table of Contents (complete with headings and page numbers) C. Introduction (Give an overview of project) D. Acknowledgements E. Body of Project Conclusion (summary of the project and how they benefited from doing the project) G. Refer ence page Assignment Part 1 Outline what your dream Job is upon leaving school and the qualifications necessary for obtaining that Job. Remember it must be an entry level position.One paragraph should be sufficient. Part 2 Create a resume tailed for your dream Job. This resume must truly reflect who you are while containing all the necessary parts. Part 3 Letters You are charged with the responsibility of constructing a cover letter to accompany your dream Job resume. This application letter must be addressed to a suitable organization. The letter is to be typed in full block style. Letters must have proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Part 4 Using the information provided on the advertisement for Sour Sop Grove Hotel sections MUST be completed.Worksheet Part 5 Soup Sop Grove Hotel is seeking an individual to fill a position of Requirements for Receptionist: Must have over 5 EX. subjects Mathematics and English included 0 Computer Literate (Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher) Must be between age 18 and over Must have a bubbly and pleasant personality Must be able to work under pressure Requirements for Accounts Clerk: Must have over 5 EX. subjects Accounting, Mathematics and English included Must have Cookbooks basic knowledge Must be able to work under little or no supervision Computer Literate Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher) All applicants must be citizens of Antigen and Barbuda or have rights to work in Antigen and Barbuda. Only suitable applicants will be acknowledged. All applicants are required to send applications to the following address. Soup Sop Grove Hotel Human Resources Department Linesmen Beach SST. Marry Antigen Deadline for application is December 7th, 2013 You are required to do the following: 1 .Application letter 0 Write a letter applying for one of the positions in the above advertisements. 2. Follow-up letter 0 You have not received a reply to your application to Sour Sop Grove Hotel for the session for which you applied. Two m onths have passed. Write a follow-up letter. 3. Acceptance letter 0 Assume that you have been offered the position for which you have applied at the Sour Sop Grove Hotel. You were sent two copies of a contract of employment. Write a letter accepting the position. Letter Declining the Offer 4. 0 Assume for some reason you have decided not to accept the post offered you at the Sour Sop Grove Hotel. Write a letter to the firm declining the offer. 5. Office Administration Office Administration Project Learning Objectives At the end of this project students will be able to: Prepare an application for a job Complete application forms for employment Prepare various types of follow-up letters, letters of acceptance/non-acceptance Mark Scheme Task Description Mark Allocated Dream Job A. Reason for Interest In the particular Job chosen B. Qualifications necessary for the Job chosen 10 2 Resume Resume complete with all its relevant parts Dream Job Cover Letter Application Form Accurate completion of form 3 A. B. C. D. 8 4 Letter of applicationFollow-up letter Acceptance letter Letter declining offer Resignation letter Presentation A. Cover page (name, class, date project was given & due, teacher's name and title of project) B. Table of Contents (complete with headings and page numbers) C. Introduction (Give an overview of project) D. Acknowledgements E. Body of Project Conclusion (summary of the project and how they benefited from doing the project) G. Refer ence page Assignment Part 1 Outline what your dream Job is upon leaving school and the qualifications necessary for obtaining that Job. Remember it must be an entry level position.One paragraph should be sufficient. Part 2 Create a resume tailed for your dream Job. This resume must truly reflect who you are while containing all the necessary parts. Part 3 Letters You are charged with the responsibility of constructing a cover letter to accompany your dream Job resume. This application letter must be addressed to a suitable organization. The letter is to be typed in full block style. Letters must have proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Part 4 Using the information provided on the advertisement for Sour Sop Grove Hotel sections MUST be completed.Worksheet Part 5 Soup Sop Grove Hotel is seeking an individual to fill a position of Requirements for Receptionist: Must have over 5 EX. subjects Mathematics and English included 0 Computer Literate (Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher) Must be between age 18 and over Must have a bubbly and pleasant personality Must be able to work under pressure Requirements for Accounts Clerk: Must have over 5 EX. subjects Accounting, Mathematics and English included Must have Cookbooks basic knowledge Must be able to work under little or no supervision Computer Literate Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher) All applicants must be citizens of Antigen and Barbuda or have rights to work in Antigen and Barbuda. Only suitable applicants will be acknowledged. All applicants are required to send applications to the following address. Soup Sop Grove Hotel Human Resources Department Linesmen Beach SST. Marry Antigen Deadline for application is December 7th, 2013 You are required to do the following: 1 .Application letter 0 Write a letter applying for one of the positions in the above advertisements. 2. Follow-up letter 0 You have not received a reply to your application to Sour Sop Grove Hotel for the session for which you applied. Two m onths have passed. Write a follow-up letter. 3. Acceptance letter 0 Assume that you have been offered the position for which you have applied at the Sour Sop Grove Hotel. You were sent two copies of a contract of employment. Write a letter accepting the position. Letter Declining the Offer 4. 0 Assume for some reason you have decided not to accept the post offered you at the Sour Sop Grove Hotel. Write a letter to the firm declining the offer. 5.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Academic Journal Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Journal - Article Example On the other hand, the US Commercial Services identifies Saudi Arabia as the country with the fastest growing market in terms of security equipment and technology, especially surveillance cameras, consequently accounting for 12% of the world’s security equipments sales (qtd. in Alhadar and McCahill 317). With a look into the operations of surveillance camera system in Crescent Mall in Riyadh, this article addresses fundamental questions arising from the use of this technology in Riyadh and largely in Saudi Arabia. As noted by Marx, current surveillance â€Å"monitors not individual suspects, but geographical places, time periods and entire categories of persons† (qtd. in Alhadar and McCahill 325). However, this new surveillance takes a different perspective once religion and social morals take centre stage as proved Crescent Mall in Riyadh. In this regard, the main target of surveillance becomes men suspected of courting women instead of drug users and other social deviants in a western-like surveillance set-up. In addition, there is a theocratic approach when the surveillance targets those who do not attend prayers. Cultural norms and traditions shaped the response of the security systems in the mall. Case in point, a patrol security officer once directed by the surveillance operator to two elderly women sitting on the floor failed to take action on them since as Alhadar and McCahill noted, â€Å"Saudi cultural norms dictate that elderly people should be treated with respect and consideration† (322). In this case, traditional beliefs played an integral role regarding carrying out of surveillance. On the other hand, the attitudes of the observers played a crucial role in monitoring visitors at the mall especially the women who wore veils. The attitudes are of crucial importance since wearing veils did not prevent women from talking and interacting with men who were not their kin as the Saudi traditions and values

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Bauhaus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Bauhaus - Research Paper Example Bauhaus was a significant school of art started in the modern time. The school had a significant influence in Europe and the United States and even beyond. The designer wanted to rejuvenate the lost glory in the field of art. Furthermore, Walter wanted to show the relationship between society and technology that was advancing at a higher rate. It is the art and craft movement that that shaped the idea of Walter because he wanted to draw a divide between fine arts and applied arts so as to help in bridging the gap between innovation and manufacturing. Further to the above, the key driver towards the creation of Bauhaus was Walter’s fear that the work of art would die and lose its meaning in the society. In addition, in the construction of the Bauhaus, most of the old ways of creation of art was abandoned but it encouraged the curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge. That was the only way that they could maintain the glory of the work of art in the society. The excellent work of B auhaus targeted the upcoming artist I the 20th century. Bauhaus placed a lot of emphasis on the on the work of experimentation. For that case, therefore, testing and solving of the problem-solving bridging the gap between the fine art and the visual and being considered as a standard entity. Furthermore, the philosophical teaching of the teachers at Bauhaus-influenced the younger generation and even shaped their ideas. The book addresses the major reasons as to why the building existed and the events that followed the inception of the idea.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Chinas Consumption And Its National And International Consequences Case Study

Chinas Consumption And Its National And International Consequences - Case Study Example The overconsumption of energy and resources by China is a threat to the world as well as the Chinese society itself in many ways. This paper highlights some of the ways in which overconsumption of resources has had detrimental effects on the Chinese society as well as the world at large. On one hand, coal happens to be a fundamental reason of the economic growth of China; on the other hand, the consumption of coal has caused immense damage to the environment of China and the people of China at large. Today, at least 70 per cent of the energy needs of China are being met by coal. In the year 2006m China consumed about 2.4 billion tons of coal that was more than the combined consumption of three big countries of the world including America, Britain, and Japan. In the year 2000, China’s coal consumption was anticipated to double by the year 2020. One reason for the huge consumption in China is its inefficiency that reflects from this statement of a Chinese official; â€Å"TO PRO DUCE GOODS WORTH $10,000 WE NEED SEVEN TIMES THE RESOURCES USED BY JAPAN, ALMOST SIX TIMES THE RESOURCES USED BY THE U.S. AND--A PARTICULAR SOURCE OF EMBARRASSMENT--ALMOST THREE TIMES THE RESOURCES USED BY INDIA† (Elizabeth para. 7). ... E EMISSIONS, FALLS ON ONE-QUARTER OF CHINA'S TERRITORY AND ON ONE-THIRD OF ITS AGRICULTURAL LAND, DIMINISHING AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT AND ERODING BUILDINGS† (Elizabeth para. 8). Coal consumption in China is also a cause of water shortage. Coal mining and coal processing both require intensive use of water. Since most of the coal resources of China are found in its arid regions, the operations of coal mining in China often get into a competition with its agriculture and residents in their access to the water resources that have thus become scarce. â€Å"AS MINING ACTIVITIES OFTEN DRAW HEAVILY FROM GROUNDWATER SOURCES, THEY HAVE DEPLETED GROUNDWATER LEVELS IN MANY COAL DISTRICTS. THIS HAS DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS ON LOCAL FLORA AND FAUNA, ESPECIALLY DURING INCREASINGLY MORE FREQUENT PERIODS OF DROUGHT† (Tu and Johnson-Reiser 7). The water pool China has seriously dried and decayed as a result of the incompetent management of the resources. This has not only led to the loss of grain s but has also caused increase in the social disruption in different forms including protests and conflicts, thus thwarting contemporary China’s supreme socio-economic goal. Most of the programs of conservancy of water in China have failed. China has not only affected its own people and the countries all over the world with its massive consumption of coal, but is also responsible for the rise in food prices because of its high consumption needs of grains. â€Å"FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS, GLOBAL FOOD PRICES HAVE SOARED BY 80 PERCENT, AND THE MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS CHINA’S GROWING DEMAND FOR GRAIN TO FEED ITS LIVESTOCK AS A MAJOR REASON FOR THE CURRENT GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS† (Kim 232). The US and China account for 40 per cent of the emissions of greenhouse gas across the globe. Success or failure of the efforts