Sunday, May 17, 2020

History And Political Science Future Of Us Foreign...

Name: Course: Instruction: Date: History and Political Science: Future of US Foreign Policy America has been enjoying complete global domination for quite a while now. There is no other country on earth that has been able to do that; ever. For about 50 years, America has been the strongest in terms of its economy, its military might, as well as the cultural power it holds over the other countries in the world (Hastedt). For the last twenty years, all the rest of the world has known in terms of the world order is America and all the other countries. The end of the fun times is drawing to an end. If the financial crisis of 2008 is anything to go by, as well as the concomitant recession; the United States is essentially going broke (Mandelbaum, The Frugal Superpower: America s Global Leadership in a Cash-Strapped Era). This year alone, the United States registered a $1.3trillion deficit. This means that it will have to find a way of paying for the outsized foreign policy it has; possibly borrow every Penny of the amount. Michael Mandelbaum, the author of Frugal Superpower and a professor at the JHU School of Advanced International Studies, is quick to point out how President Obama, in his speech given at the West Point, talked a lot about limits. The President was talking about the intentions he had about escalating the war. As Mandelbaum puts it in his book: â€Å"For even when he ordered his troops to the war in Afghanistan, the President sought to put limits on the time ofShow MoreRelatedHistory of British Foreign Policy1135 Words   |  5 Pagesthe general liberty† articulates the author of The History of the reign of Charles V, one of the many books, that I surveyed for my undergraduate research paper entitled â€Å"British Foreign Policy in the XVIII Century: The Struggle for an European Balance of Power†. 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